Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blue Dahlia

Nora Roberts. She is awesome as usual. I dont usually like to read books that are a part of a series. But this one..i thot i will make an exception. Its the first book of "In the Garden" trilogy.
Its about 3 women who come to stay in the Harper House by chance. One is Rosalind Harper, the owner of the house. Stella Rostchild, a widow who loses her husband in a plane crash and is left with 2 young boys to take care of. Hayley, a pregnant girl whose lover does not love her anymore. They come under the roof of Harper House by chance but are held together by a bond that makes them almost a family.
Stella falls in love with the landscaper working with Roz. The relationship is volatile and passionate from the start and the book ends with each of the women finding a piece of themselves. Stella in Logan. Hayley in her child Lily and Roz meets Mitch who mite become a pivotal character in the next books of the trilogy.
The 3 women join in the quest of the resident ghost of the Harper House...known for generations as the Harper Bride. They just know that the ghost is a presence in the house and sings for young boys during the night.
A series of events bring the 3 women closer than they had expected. I cant wait to read the next book.

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