Monday, November 07, 2011

Dead dead blog

Its dead! Off to tumblr for another short lived attempt at writing!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Waiter Rant - Thanks for the tip -- Confessions of a cynical waiter

By Steve Dublanica aka The waiter. The guy who writes an amazing blog linked in my fav blogs. The book is almost an extension of the stories he writes on his blog. We get an exquisite view into the life of a waiter in an upscale restaurant in Manhattan.
You really dont want to piss this waiter off. He can hold a grudge and you better tip more than a lousy 15%.
You read about his life, his family, his fears and his successes. You read about lost loves and new ones. Its an amazing and intriguing read.
Since i loved his blog, the book was a treat. Try it, you wont regret it. This might well be the only non fiction i ever write about here. :)

Sunday, December 07, 2008


By Stephanie Meyer. Too much publicity turns me off from some titles. The twilight series was one of the series that i ignored because it was in my face everywhere i went. My aerobics instructor couldnt stop raving about it when the latest one came out. You wouldnt believe the publicity the book got. It was on the front display in every Barnes & Nobles. I got emails from Amazon begging me to read the book. I politely declined the assault.
Then i saw a poster of the movie about the delicious looking vampire and this girl clinging to him. Hmm...i dint need anymore prodding. Soon enough i was buying a paperback of Twilight. This from a person who NEVER buys books. I read too many of them. If i start buying the books i wanted to read i would be signing over my paycheck to the local bookstore.Favourite of cards in my wallet is my library card. So i did it. I read Twilight, thank you very much.
Let me just say..WOW. I am a sucker for forbidden love. This was the best of the kind. Edward Cullen is the aforementioned delicacy. Isabella Snow falls for him hard when she moves from Phoenix to live with her father in Forks. Edward resists but is drawn to her anyway. He thinks she smells delicious. In vampire talk, he wants to drink her blood.
The book is amazing because the author never lets go of the taut romance between Bella and Edward inspite of all the goings on around them. Please read it. Now let me run to catch the movie.
oh BTW...the blog is no longer comatose. For the lack of better things to do with my time. :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This Blog is Comatose!

Its getting a bit old..writing about the books i read because i am not reading anything phenomenal or life changing right this blog is going to be ignored for sometime...